Look at this picture and answer which well A,B,C will the highest
?hydrostatic bottom hole pressure be recorded
Answer 1
D cause HP depends on the TVD NOT MD or the shape of direction
Answer 2
Because the three wells have the same equal tvd and the same mud density
Answer 3
(Number (D
because 3 wells have the same TVD and Hd depend on True vertical depth not on Measured depth and this angle doesn't affect on the pressure Value
Hd=0.52*Mud Density*TVd
Answer 4
D, all have the same depth (tvd) and same mud gravity , density.
From phesics p equal to the weight of the virtical air +Wt of mud .
&all are equal
Answer 5
it looks like the tvd in the 3 wells is equal so hp is same also tep also thermal gradient based on tvd also
Answer 6
D TVD is used in deviated wells and its equal to H in the bottom hole pressure
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